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Architecture & Urban planning


Completion of existing situation and development of Shrine buildings of Shahr-e-Chahr


Preparation of a detailed plan and preparation of Phase 1 of 45 hectares of Marvdasht   1
Preparation of a detailed plan and preparation of Phase 1 90 hectare ghir   2
Preparing a plan for the preparation and separation of 100 hectares of state land in the cities of Fars province (other than Larestan)   3
Preparation of separation plan for villages in the city of Kharameh   4
Completion of existing situation and development of Shrine buildings of Shahr-e-Chahr   5
Preparing the building plan for Shiraz Namazi Hospital   6
Studies of the first and second stages of the technical and professional complex of Mehr and the library of Ashkanan   7
96/5000 Superior and Workshop Surveillance on Construction Projects in the Area of Technical and Executive Management of Zahedan and Mir-Jawah   8
Superior supervision and workshop on construction projects in the field of technical and executive management of Sistan region   9
Supervising and reviewing the development projects of the General Directorate of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Fars province including sports complexes, multi-purpose hall and ...   10
Review of executive plans (architecture, structures and facilities) Sepidan Cultural and Recreational Cultural Project   11
First and Second Phase Studies and Development Plans for the Development of the shah cheragh Museum   12
Designed for the Holy See Ahmadi and Mohammadi   13
Design of the Darqurran Holy Ahmadi and Mohammadi   14
Design and supervision of Milk and Mir-Jawa Frontier terminals and Zahedan's Transportation Law Building (Administrative and Commercial Building)   15
Design and supervision of Milk and Mir-Jawa Frontier terminals and Zahedan's Transportation Law Building (Administrative and Commercial Building)   16
Sepidan city administrative office design   17
Educational Amusement Complex in Sepidan City   18
Sepidan Cultural Entertainment Project with Supervision of Construction   19
Design of 88 units of Larestan   20
Design of 40 units of Golestan Shiraz   21
Supervision of executive operations of construction of multipurpose hall of Saravan Complex complex for delivery of work   22
Studies of the first and second phase of the khavar administrative complex   23
The construction of the shrine to the holy shrine of Ahmadi and Mohammadi (Shah Cheragh)   24
Construction of the Daral-e-Shafa Building of Holy Holy Ahmadi and Mohammadi   25
Construction of the Daral-e-Shafa Building of Holy Holy Ahmadi and Mohammadi   26
Ahmadi and Mohammadi Holy Shrine Museum   27